Saturday, July 10, 2010

Anticipate Cage Wreck Aesthetics

a bird is a bird with wings
eating mangoes or seed pods
peck peck peck
eating bark eating wind
indiscriminate birds
bird circumstance spreads 
fancy winged and beak specific
is puffing a chesty brag
intricately plumaged for distracting
preens to be remarked upon

aloof bird
all bird business 
about bird nous
about birdness
resolute on bird ability

the birds are running late
again seemingly
peckish for dinner parties
real like a talon pillow
or a squawking procedure
a bird is skeptical for sounds
boneless sky hoarder
considering and unafraid
to peck my eyes out
while hidden among the flock

the bird is a wreck of graceful
nervousy beak stabber
furious flaunter of apparent physics
homicide for a worm or field mouse
often falling nearby with swoop

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